Hey all, I tried asking this question in the Half Life discussion page on steam which in hindsight probably isn't a reliable source for answers. Anyways, I have a config for Opposing Force (J.A.C.K) automatically config'd by XBLAH's modding tool and for some reason, the drop down menu which normally appears in the "Animation Sequence (Editor)" value for monster_ entities is not there. Apologies if my writing is incomprehensible, I am probably just stupid. Above is an image of what I am referring to. Plus my config if it helps!
it's not an issue with your config, just the FGD file you're using doesn't have that feature, instead you have to manually type in a number corresponding to the sequence
Is there a list somewhere of what the numbers correspond to? Like in Valve Developer Docs?
model viewer programs (like half life asset manager) tell you what sequence is what number
ohhhh, thanks man.