
a remake of gm_construct in unreal engine 4.27.2
i'm still blocking out the environment, later on i'm gonna take all of this geometry to blender and make the modular kit, also, make the proper materials using quixel textures, i'm gonna take the textures that closely resembles the originals
a remake of gm_construct in unreal engine 4.27.2
i'm still blocking out the environment, later on i'm gonna take all of this geometry to blender and make the modular kit, also, make the proper materials using quixel textures, i'm gonna take the textures that closely resembles the originals
a remake of gm_construct in unreal engine 4.27.2
i'm still blocking out the environment, later on i'm gonna take all of this geometry to blender and make the modular kit, also, make the proper materials using quixel textures, i'm gonna take the textures that closely resembles the originals
a remake of gm_construct in unreal engine 4.27.2
i'm still blocking out the environment, later on i'm gonna take all of this geometry to blender and make the modular kit, also, make the proper materials using quixel textures, i'm gonna take the textures that closely resembles the originals

a remake of gm_construct in unreal engine 4.27.2 i'm still blocking out the environment, later on i'm gonna take all of this geometry to blender and make the modular kit, also, make the proper materials using quixel textures, i'm gonna take the textures that closely resembles the originals

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