Made on S2FM Used 3 of the tools inside Half-Life: Alyx
A full Source 2 port of all Portal 1 and 2 models and materials, with working animations, and some remastered materials. It also includes some of the updated models from The Lab VR demo, and Aperture Hand Labs.
A large pack of void maps with HDRI light probes that you can load into S2FM to get an ambient lighting setup. These help to tone shadows and add reflections to glossy materials. Great for scene-building inside S2FM, or creating preview renders of models. Included are 146 HDRI maps with a large range of locations and colour tones. Everything from forests, caves, deserts, to photo studios.
A couple of 'old-Aperture' scenes recreated in Source 2. Portal's art style is always a blast to work with.