No Medical Lisence

No Medical Lisence


And I said heyyayyeahyeahyeahheyya I said hey, What's goin on!

Joined 4 Oct 2023
Black Mesa, NM
Good day everyone.
I have a rather important question for those interested, regarding a comic I'm making.
    While making more pages of the comic, I started to wonder if I should change the style in which I make them? What I mean is that I'm not sure if doing it in color "works", so I was thinking about whether to start doing them in black and white (something like manga?). I know the first pages are in color but I guess it's not too late to change the rest of the pages and chapters.
Let me know what you think about it in the comments, because I can't decide on anything anymore.
    I also think I'll be forced to reduce the number of pages per post, from 4 to 2. I have to do this if I want this comic to show up at least on a fairly regular basis, because at four pages I burn out like a match and always start running out of time when I'm working on it.    

Thanks for everything

Good day everyone. I have a rather important question for those interested, regarding a comic I'm making. While making more pages of the comic, I started to wonder if I should change the style in which I make them? What I mean is that I'm not sure if doing it in color "works", so I was thinking about whether to start doing them in black and white (something like manga?). I know the first pages are in color but I guess it's not too late to change the rest of the pages and chapters. Let me kno…
