The Funny

The Funny


I make shitty phrases that pass off as jokes. You might find me for liking or replying to your post. I do that whenever I'm online :D.

Joined 22 Mar 2024
I want to believe this is how Rosenberg was captured
Edit: I did not make this image, I found it on a random youtube video. I can link it if someone wants me to

I want to believe this is how Rosenberg was captured Edit: I did not make this image, I found it on a random youtube video. I can link it if someone wants me to


Question: What IS CFLU? I only have info from the wiki and it's not very trustworthy + it's not much. So I ask what it is. What are it's symptoms? Where did it come from? How are combine soldiers infected and why wasn't the resistance trying to weaponize it? Is there something I missed or is it simply left ambiguous?


Hey can anyone get me the profile picture backgrounds without any characters? I wanna make some custom pfp's and that would really help. Thanks!