
rest in peace the yo mama dude from the start of opposing force
I made this pyro plushie :DD it took around 4 days to make and he is 50 cm tall
LambdaGeneration... more like Color Wheel Generation AmIRight?
What is happening in this image?
im very sorry i have been gone for 7 months now. i cannot promise anything but maybe ill start posting things again
3D Printing modeling and electronic prototyping of Half-Life HEV Charger, based on ATTiny85, orange diode. I still have to set up PBC with ATTiny83, L93D for motors, C Code, a usb port or a Lithium battery to power the circuit. You can find the non-robotic compact version here: tinyurl.com/34y3unc2
QTEK custom Half-Life phone case. No 3D Printing here, cutting the case with a soldering iron :), aero paint, clamp, flexible conduit, tinplate & plastic transformed, operating sytem images modified, old-fashioned what!
new photos guys
some HEV fun