Here's a photo!
Hello everyone I haven't posted anything on this forum for a long time, but I have good news on how to launch a new version of half life on windows 7 32bit. Personally, I checked it works for me! In general, open steam and select half life, then go to properties, and select the steam legacy version. Then we wait for the game to start and exit. Then we install the newest version and launch it! And if there are bricks in the place of the intro, then congratulations! If it didn't work, then try again. I'll leave the photos above this post!
when I downloaded the half life pirate
gatherings for half-life uplink...
Counter Strike
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My cat
Всех с наступающим новым годом!!!!! Простите за моё очень долгое отсутствие, но я вас буду радовать новыми постами!!!