Not sure if I want to put Artwork in this one.. Anyway, it's a direct inspiration from Voices of the Void. Plus, it uses the Source 1 Sound Library lmao Shoutout to the guy that gave me this in-game SS as the template for the 2nd pic.
"Parry this, ya filthy casual!"
At SOMEPOINT I gotta stop procrastinating and do their "manga-style" introduction pages. For now, I (re)made these. The person who made the Combine Models is from here…
A wifi outage a week ago disconnected me in the Internet. Which lasted a few days. At worse, as I reinstall GMod during that time to do some practices, the addons weren't hotloaded in yet since I didn't run GMod whilst I had internet, so it was a dry install during that week. It really killed my motivation for ANYTHING, but thanks to this short animation practice, I think I still have a bit of my groove back. Only the few last frames look like absolute shit.
I started doing some animation practices about 1 or 2 days ago I won't make full-fledged 5-10 minutes animation from this laptop, and especially with a bit things going on with life (school, tragic) But, I'm looking forward what I can cook up when I get relatively decent as I go along practicing
Oh we are SO back, Scenemakers.
2nd and probably last shared wip for the thing im doing. jesus that hologram combine looks awkward in every angle.
I've been working on something again, and here's one of the sceneworks I used Oh yeah and in advance, I am not so proud of it. So, do not expect it to be too stylish, because it looks awkward in terms of editing style.
All screenshots are taken from here… One of my proudest works yet!