


Hi! i'm a random kid that likes half-life, portal, TF2, and almost every valve game! Yay :D

Joined 2 Aug 2022
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
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Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
I Made these pictures in Gmod cuz i was bored, Both took me about 30 minutes, i'm just posting these here cuz i think they look very good :)

tell me any criticism you have on the comments, next time i make one of these i may improve the quality!

I Made these pictures in Gmod cuz i was bored, Both took me about 30 minutes, i'm just posting these here cuz i think they look very good :)

tell me any criticism you have on the comments, next time i make one of these i may improve the quality!


I Made these pictures in Gmod cuz i was bored, Both took me about 30 minutes, i'm just posting these here cuz i think they look very good :) tell me any criticism you have on the comments, next time i make one of these i may improve the quality! :))))))
