an although clunky mix of All The Stars from the Black Panther soundtrack and The Hunting in Black Mesa. Groves like up to 90 to 100 bpm for some reason. ;V
Reupload of the remix of We Got Hostiles with Voodoo People since the link got ruined (whuh oh)

Head bangs for long for this

Lambda Core + Unforeseen Consequences = DOUBLE AWSMNess But you know, I felt like Unforeseen Consequences should be played at the Lambda Core elevator, sorta like a homage to the mod version of the headcrab elevator, and also considering the many changes we now have with the tracks in the game.

Not Half-Life related, but shortly related (be it this place and the first game wouldn't exist without Quake), and also something noteworthy because I think it sounds cool

Just a giant mashup groove for some reason
Good NEWS! I'm saved, both my Discord and Steam account got back now! It's over, so you're free to interact or DM on Discord, or even my Steam as well.
This is for emergency of this time, please be warned that both my Discord and my Steam account has been hacked as a part of a scam that I unfortunately got involved with myself. So don't try to interact with the hijacker in question!

Groovy, just groovy

First time post 'ere, just gotta make use of this place anyway. Heyos! Something outta Inktober just to say. Twitter Link:…