


i'm agender and use any pronouns | i like valve games | VERY normal about alyx vance | sfm artist/animator|goldsrc my beloved| amateur portal 2 mapper| python programmer in training

Joined 23 Aug 2024
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
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forgot to post this last night, but here's me dressed as a zombie for halloween (don't mind the thing hanging out of my pocket, that's my glasses)
edit: also while i was trick or treating i ran into these two people who were dressed as scout and medic and i exchanged phone numbers with the girl who was dressed as scout

forgot to post this last night, but here's me dressed as a zombie for halloween (don't mind the thing hanging out of my pocket, that's my glasses) edit: also while i was trick or treating i ran into these two people who were dressed as scout and medic and i exchanged phone numbers with the girl who was dressed as scout
