



Joined 28 Jan 2024

Day in and day out, he would be posted within to make sure nothing would go awry. This is where he would eat, work, and live for 24 hours a day.

Funny as it sounds—especially considering the amounts of drugs I’ve been proud to consume—those pills, like dots, raised & particular, look more and more like some kind of secret Braille spelling out the end of my life. Perhaps if I had insurance; if one hundred and seventy-five dollars meant I was twenty—five over my deductible, I’d think differently. But it’s not and so I don’t. As far as I can see, there’s no place for me in this country’s system of health, and even if there were I’m not sure it would make a difference. Something I considered over and over again while I was sitting in that stark office, barely looking at the National Geographic or People magazines, just waiting on the bustle of procedure and paper work, until the time came, quite a bit of time too, when I had to answer a call, a call made by a nurse, who led me down a hail and then another hall and still another hail, until I found myself alone in a cramped sour smelling room, where I waited again, this time on a sl…