Rest in piece Tony Todd, the voice actor for the vortigaunts in half life alyx. The vortigaunt interactions were some of my favorite parts of the whole game, and he did an incredible job voice acting for them.
Since it was recently my birthday, i got the book “VALVE: The sacrifice and other steam powered stories” which is an official collection of all the comics valve has made for tf2, portal, and left 4 dead up until 2012. The only way you can get a copy now is to buy a pre owned one. The book came out around 2012 and hardly anyone knows it exists.
A long time ago back when I didn’t know what half life was, I had a book called Guinness world records for gaming. I remember something about half life in it and there was even a page about headcrabs. Back then, those pictures of headcrabs in the book horrified the crap out of me. Then I lost the book and couldn’t find it. Then I actually got into half life years later and I remembered the book and I finally found it today, here’s the page about half life! It was also my first glimpse of valve a…