G-Man and Dusk.
So I tried something a bit different with more realistic proportions, but still tried to keep my artstyle. I'm going to keep experimenting I think.
G-Woman (Agent Dusk) - Half-Life OC.
Dusk practice portrait with my new tablet. Trying to make my lines less sketchy... takes longer to go over the initial sketch but eh...
G-Man gets interrupted by his wife.
Haven't posted any drawn art here for a while; so here's a stupid comic. It was going to be more elaborate but I'm lazy.
What's this? Fanart from me and it's NOT G-Man? Bloody hell.
It's Kovac from the upcoming HL1 mod, Dark Matter! @hldarkmatter wanted to see him in my style; sooooo yeah, here is some Kovac fanart!
Unforeseen Consequences: The Cascade - Part 7
I do apologize that this part jumps around a bit; I was going to have a longer segment with Xen but unfortunately that map was just not useable so I had to cut it. In any case, I’m quite excited about posting the part after this tomorrow, haha. Breeeeeeeeeeeen.
Unforeseen Consequences: The Cascade - Part 5
I always found the trash compacter part of HL1 strange… and yeah I know Decay had a cut scene with it… but hey that’s not canon. XD