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Joined 9 May 2022
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before the conflict, the zombie were having peaceful live after apocalypse war with the human and they have access many thing such as education, religion, economy, entertainment and military. They also build different city from each country such as romeroville, zomburbia, Shigo no sekai no machi, vivi mortui, and many more. Despite all the success, unfortunately until 50 year later those human accidentally awaken the million of mutant during the mining expedition. that not only kill thousand human worker but also killed a innocent zombie family, this spark anger among the entire zombie community, at first they started to fight back those mutant pest and it was successful, but then 5 year later the mutant learning the same thing like the zombie like education and military. The first thing they to do is bombing the city full of innocent zombie and killed over 2 thousand life, stealing their land and created racist propaganda of anti zombie. They didn't stop there, over 30 year later their war rage on and not only killing million zombie but also million mutant killed. the conflict was so bad that the human also concern about them could also fight in the human territory, the human also helped the zombie by sending them aid and funded them for the military weapon but unfortunately the mutant also get funded by the moronicville that can cause more devastating weapon that can kill many zombie. But for now which group you chose, do you chose ZOMBIE SUPREMACY or MUTANT SUPREMACY. The source society needed you to make this war over. NOW!!!!!!!

before the conflict, the zombie were having peaceful live after apocalypse war with the human and they have access many thing such as education, religion, economy, entertainment and military. They also build different city from each country such as romeroville, zomburbia, Shigo no sekai no machi, vivi mortui, and many more. Despite all the success, unfortunately until 50 year later those human accidentally awaken the million of mutant during the mining expedition. that not only kill thousand hum…