Happy 20th Anniversary H A L F - L I F E 2 #HL2-20
Synergy with SV_Cheats on is funny ASSSS FUCKKKK!!!!
Dodol ARG (finding MardaniChase case in gm_construct13) stupid idea but using addon jadi dodol Umbrella Mannya duhh
Finally finished the Pizza and Quaff Hat Ending, Worth the 6 days and blood and tears I wasted just to do this. and shoutout to ALL THE FUCKING MARINES THAT USED THE GRENADE LAUNCHER ON ME AND MADE THE QUAFF HAT OR PIZZA FLING TO THE ABYSS BELOW THANKS ALOT ASS HOLE!!! and thanks a lot Black mesa for making me feel not bored again and have purpose to play this wonderful game again :) @blackmesadevs
Half life 2 but its dumb Indonesian VOICEOVERS - Act 2 Part 1/1 - Mardani East
Half life 2 but its dumb Indonesian VOICEOVERS - Act 2 Part 1/1 - Ireng Letter Day
Half life 2 but its dumb Indonesian Voiceovers 01 - AJI INSERTION Video made by @bingofett dan @cman15
"Not This Time"