


I love every valve/source game, except dota (i haven't played it). Sometimes i upload memes and fanarts
Joined 9 Jun 2023
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Stare At The Art
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
damn.... i finally finished this drawing but i HATED the process of making it, i started this in NOVEMBER and back then i didn't know much about digital drawing so i didn't know how to use layers and things like that so the order behind the drawing is awful and it kept me from making progress on it because of how annoying working on the drawing was.

So i started getting distracted making another digital drawings because those were more organized and weren't insufferable like the Ricochet one.

But hey i finally did it, i remember seeing like 2 drawings of ricochet in google before so this must be like the third ricochet drawing in the world maybe?

damn.... i finally finished this drawing but i HATED the process of making it, i started this in NOVEMBER and back then i didn't know much about digital drawing so i didn't know how to use layers and things like that so the order behind the drawing is awful and it kept me from making progress on it because of how annoying working on the drawing was. So i started getting distracted making another digital drawings because those were more organized and weren't insufferable like the Ricochet one. …
