whats your wacky tf2 history? mine its about a melee heavy,named "the champion". he was playing little mac music (minor circuit) while having an kritzkrieg medic with him. truly crazy
whats your wacky tf2 history? mine its about a melee heavy,named "the champion". he was playing little mac music (minor circuit) while having an kritzkrieg medic with him. truly crazy
I became doctor sex
it's a long story i'll get into later trust me i always forget
I remember we're all a heavy on a community 2fort, doing the boiling point taunt, and becoming a t-pose menace
i think the mots crazy thing that happened to me this year is that i was on the same server with tf2 youtubers (of course in different times) and this happened to me 2 times
Awhile ago my whole team decided to all go engie and only use the pompson was pretty fun
almost everyone on the red team went engie and constructed the largest nest I have ever seen outside of class wars and then a while after almost all of the red team including me went into blu's intel room and just nested up there without actually taking the intel, eventually the blu team came pouring in with sentries and all and after a literal war in the intel room our nest got destroyed
Camping in 2fort basement with engi nest spamming the briefcase drop/undrop ‘We we we we we we we we we we we have taken the enemy intelligence!’