
Vivigun lore pt 2 Speaking of Creature, it works with Breen ! Helping to oversee city 17 and respond to questions and concerns- although it is much better then Breen at it and… actively more manipulative, threatening, and overall just much more scary- also it managed to reprogram like 80% of ALL VIVIGUNS Primary Sensory Controllers (also known as P.S.C’s, these are basically the brain of a Vivigun) to allow it and Breen to control them, whenever they want- although Breen wouldn’t have this privilege for long as he gets fucking kicked out by Creature because “Frankly, I hate how pathetic you are.” Forcing him to deal with the people who hate him, very very very much! And remember how I said only 80% of Viviguns can be mind controlled by Creature? Well the remaining 10% joined ✨✨the rebels✨✨to try and rebuild black mesa and take back earth! And a character who is very important to this AU is one of those Viviguns, its name is Leafy! A blind Vivigun with a passion for exploration, and a love for weird plushies! Also a burning hate for Headcrabs and fire- despite having a Headcrab plushie it would fucking murder someone over it- anyways while leafy was out blindly exploring despite everyone telling it not to, it found Breen and decided “. . . I like you x)” before taking him back to Klyners lab, begging the poor old man to let Breen join them, finally getting Breen in, then both of them being absolutely traumatized by the teleporter doing what it did to Gordon (leafy bit Klyner for not letting it kill Lamarr)

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