
walnut siemens
walnut siemens
Sep 22, 2021

Aperture Science Handheld Dual-Portal Device so i can have a creative way of making stuff and for fun

Sep 23, 2021

As much as the Gravity gun would be fun to have, the portal gun would have so much more practical uses, I'ma have to go with that

Aperture Science PR Department

Finally, someone gets it.

BugSrc λ
BugSrc λ
Sep 22, 2021

How about both

Sep 22, 2021

I'd take the Aperture Science Handheld Zero Point Energy Field Dual Portal Device Manipulator

Aperture Science PR Department

We’ll see if we can make that. Don’t tell Black Mesa we’ll be taking their Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator though.

Official Mann Co.
Official Mann Co.
Sep 22, 2021

zero point energy field manipulator

Aperture Science PR Department

Right, because you can’t make any good weapons yourself. The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator isn’t that good either, the Aperture Science Handheld Dual-Portal Device is way better and way cooler.