
Vivigun AU lore pt 1 This AU takes place the same time the regular Half-life 2 takes place and for the most part it’s the same in general, the combine took over, humanity is dying, and basically, fuck you- but there are lots of major changes, for example the Combine didn’t take over on their own, they joined forces with the Viviguns who are mildly more powerful then them. So the combine and the Viviguns took over together leading to a war that instead of lasting six hours lasted three days due to the Viviguns, more specifically the leader, Creature, wanting to draw it out for as long as possible, enjoying getting to toy with humanity like ants in one of those little enclosure things with the blue goop that they can eat and dig threw, although after those three days Breen who in this AU is much younger (he’s 32 because fuck you) decides “hey ykw” then proceeds to let the Combine and Viviguns take over, and so they do! Once they take over it’s pretty much the half-life 2 world carved and copied with a few changes so you can’t tell I copied valves homework ;] For example there are new guard units, the Viviguns are just special like that- although most of them did just kinda roll with the combine units, but the few who didn’t are either in the Biohazard Chemical Unit (or the B.C.U) or the High Tech Defense Unit (or the H.T.D.U) amidst other rolls as things like street cleaners, researchers and engineers, all of which are overlooked by Cobalt, Creatures personal assistant and head of the defense/protection units.

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