
New Minecraft screenshots! Decided to build a little deck in front of my tower instead of the instant, steep staircase that was there before. It also connects to a path leading to a back gate in my newly built wall that goes out into the forest! So yeah, I've been pretty busy heh.

Oh and I built a little farm, cause food started to become a problem lol.
New Minecraft screenshots! Decided to build a little deck in front of my tower instead of the instant, steep staircase that was there before. It also connects to a path leading to a back gate in my newly built wall that goes out into the forest! So yeah, I've been pretty busy heh.

Oh and I built a little farm, cause food started to become a problem lol.
New Minecraft screenshots! Decided to build a little deck in front of my tower instead of the instant, steep staircase that was there before. It also connects to a path leading to a back gate in my newly built wall that goes out into the forest! So yeah, I've been pretty busy heh.

Oh and I built a little farm, cause food started to become a problem lol.

New Minecraft screenshots! Decided to build a little deck in front of my tower instead of the instant, steep staircase that was there before. It also connects to a path leading to a back gate in my newly built wall that goes out into the forest! So yeah, I've been pretty busy heh. Oh and I built a little farm, cause food started to become a problem lol.