Portal 2 AU Wheatley art In this au (idek what i should call it??) Wheatley is fiercely protective of Chell, having made it his sole purpose to keep her safe after his betrayal. Overcome with guilt for nearly killing her in the past, he sees protecting her as a form of redemption, even before being upgraded. No longer just a bumbling AI, he’s hyper-aware of their surroundings, always on high alert for any threat—whether it’s GLaDOS, hostile turrets, or anything else that might harm Chell. If he senses danger, he immediately positions himself between her and the threat, often hissing static warnings or making himself seem bigger, much like a cat puffing up in defense. His cat-like behavior extends beyond just his protective instincts. Wheatley has an uncanny ability to squeeze into small spaces, climbing onto high perches when he wants to keep watch, and even occasionally batting at objects out of curiosity. He sometimes clings to Chell like an overgrown kitten, wrapping his mechanical arms around her shoulder or just throwing her over his shoulder lmaooo . If he feels neglected, he sulks dramatically, emitting low grumbling noises until Chell acknowledges him again. He’s also prone to sudden bursts of energy, scrambling around and making excited beeping sounds before tiring himself out. Despite his newfound determination to protect Chell, Wheatley still retains his dorky and talkative personality. He rambles nervously whenever Chell is in danger but quickly becomes dead serious when the situation calls for it. If anything—or anyone—tries to harm her, he doesn’t hesitate to act, even if it means throwing himself into danger. Deep down, he’s terrified of failing her again, and the thought of losing her is something he refuses to entertain. To Wheatley, Chell is the only person who ever gave him a second chance, and he’s determined to prove himself worthy of it.

hell yeah.