
Hey guys i'm back after losing access to my account

Recently i restarting my pc to free up some space i lost access to my gmail address and my lambdagen account in the process, too lazy to try to recover it i just made a new gmail and account

Hey guys i'm back after losing access to my account Recently i restarting my pc to free up some space i lost access to my gmail address and my lambdagen account in the process, too lazy to try to recover it i just made a new gmail and account

Jan 24

First off - please use correct categories, this isn’t News! Unfortunately we can only recover accounts you have email access. We can’t hand over an account even if you say it’s yours or have images similar to it. If you manage to login to your email account, you can then reset your password on the sign in page.


Sorry for using the wrong category also no its aight i'll use this account now i mentioned about "giving proof" just so that nobody thought i was someone impersonating me