
Hey guys! I don't quite understand how the site works yet nor how many people saw my initial post, but I have a pencil sketch I've been trying to ink, and I promised to post it when I finished! Nothing happened to it, it's still intact, but I've had some gnarly medical stuff that's been making me hella shaky, and my pens, as lovely as they are, require zero pressure to put ink onto the paper! In short, every tremor and twitch is CLEARLY visible in my writing and drawing, and I do NOT want to screw up this piece. So it IS getting worked on, but it'll be awhile still. I'm not professional, but I want it to be something I can be proud of! Thank you so much for those who have seen my post and gave positive vibes, I never get any sort of appreciation for my art before I found here. It's restored my confidence in my abilities. Thank you all for that ❤

Instλnt Messenger
Instλnt Messenger
Aug 19, 2021

ye mf you better be drawing right now cause we're waiting!!!

Aug 19, 2021

Can’t wait to see. Good luck.

Aug 19, 2021

Good luck with the draw

Chum Toad Lover
Chum Toad Lover
Aug 19, 2021

Thank you! I'm excited to get back into it.
