
The Combine Empire - Wasteland Specialist Units

The Combine Synth Sniper is a precise and powerful Combine Synth Unit, with excellent marksmanship and capable of detecting multiple targets from meters away

The Combine Barnacle Sweeper is tasked for detecting any motion activity of the Sand Barnacle, a Xenian Creature that lurks underneath the sands of the Wastelands

The Combine Vort Capture is tasked for locating and capturing any Vortigaunts that reside in the Wastelands and to extract their energy for numerous Combine Installations in the Wastelands

The Combine Empire - Wasteland Specialist Units The Combine Synth Sniper is a precise and powerful Combine Synth Unit, with excellent marksmanship and capable of detecting multiple targets from meters away The Combine Barnacle Sweeper is tasked for detecting any motion activity of the Sand Barnacle, a Xenian Creature that lurks underneath the sands of the Wastelands The Combine Vort Capture is tasked for locating and capturing any Vortigaunts that reside in the Wastelands and to extract their energy for numerous Combine Installations in the Wastelands

Feb 27

I personally don't really like the beta aesthetic but these look pretty cool!