Trying my best (Or worse) attempt at recreating the Logo that appeared on this texture. Now I know that under the Lambda Logo is "United States Of America" while the circled text is unknown. I really have no idea what that says, it could be a Latin word like that one on Questionable Ethics or maybe random word. So due to that, I decided to make my version of what this circle text gonna looked like. Although the recreation is really not that close to the original one, I still try my best to make it. (And I'm proud that I managed to make the logo) (Also the re-created logo is transparent and you could turn it into a sticker or whatever you like, just don't forget to credit me.)
That's incredibly impressive!!
Never noticed how fucked the lambda looks on this logo, but it's a very good recreation!
What does "Superbus Via Inscientiae" even mean?
The Latin Word of "Superbus Via Inscientiae" means "Proud By A Way Of Ignorance" or, the more corrected one is "Arrogance trough Ignorance". More information could be found on this wiki,…