Hello there! For almost a year, I've been running a server on Half-life 1 where the goal is to kill a specific bot called "Elon Musk". The kill is then displayed on Twitter (twitter.com/FindGmanMusk) and you score a point for #TeamEarth. If the bot kills you first, #TeamElon get the point and the kill is displayed on twitter too! For Half-Life's 25 birthday, I just opened an Half-life 2 Deathmatch's server with the same rules. Connection details : twitter.com/FindGmanMusk/status/… Happy hunting!
A very interesting concept …
G-lon Musk
I would also seriously suggest you don’t output SteamID’s to Twitter. Sure these are shared with every server you join, but it’s a matter of time before some scam bots scrape this and bombard everyone mentioned. (speaking from experience- if they can, they will)
Well, I didn't know you could do anything with a SteamID outside of a server. Do you have any examples ?
It’s safe in itself, but there are bots that harvest them, to spam people iirc I personally would not join because of this (but I do like the idea of it posting to Twitter)