Hello everyone! If you remember my post a couple of weeks ago. I've posted a link to the Steam Workshop of my map "PHX_OLYMPUSMONS", which I 've never managed to finish and add stuff I wanted to. I know many of you would love to get the hands on the source files which I though I've lost. But guess what? I've found the files :D Get them and work on the map. Keep in mind that you should pack all the textures and sounds inside the BSP. There are tutorials about it. I've managed to find this one but I'm not sure if it's up to date: TUTORIAL: youtube.com/watch?v=LeeZhJVo_Iw Get the Map Source files here! LINK: mega.nz/file/RuBFyaYR#9u1uatSuZd… MIRROR: drive.google.com/file/d/1o6En9Sz… The RAR file includes different iterations of the map, if I'm correct the latest one should be "phx_olympusmons_ROADS". I did not download the whole Source SDK just to check that. Sorry :) Also includes sounds and textures. You should change the billboard texture which has my logo on it and my website which is not online anymore. Maybe put something about your community or discord :D Please let me know if you make your own version of it. I'm very curious to see what you come up with. :D ENJOY. Cheers! PhoeniX-Storms