Is there an Opposing Force remake using the Black Mesa engine, because I know there's Black Mesa: Blue Shift, but I wanted to see 4K High Fidelity Corporal Shephard! Or is that just Operation: Black Mesa? I don't know anymore!
(Edited by Staff)
Is there an Opposing Force remake using the Black Mesa engine, because I know there's Black Mesa: Blue Shift, but I wanted to see 4K High Fidelity Corporal Shephard! Or is that just Operation: Black Mesa? I don't know anymore!… O:BM is the only active opposing force remake to my knowledge
could have sworn there was another
There's no Opposing Force remake with the Black Mesa's engine, simply because the source code for Black Mesa isn't available. LambdaMesa provided you with the link to the actual standalone re-imagining of Opposing Force :)
Thank you, I was so confused!