Gordon Catman

Gordon Catman


Greetings. Avid Half-Life fan and overall Valve enjoyer! You can find me on the Lambda Generation DC server.

Joined 27 Nov 2023
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
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Does anyone know the source of this image? It dates back to 2009-2010

Does anyone know the source of this image? It dates back to 2009-2010

This is actually the best art I've made in a long time I'm so proud of it, I did NOT think it'd come out good while I was sketching!
Made this thinking about how Barney aged without Gordon it tugs at my heart

This is actually the best art I've made in a long time I'm so proud of it, I did NOT think it'd come out good while I was sketching! Made this thinking about how Barney aged without Gordon it tugs at my heart

Don’t you just gotta love it when greedy people on Roblox sell other peoples original characters/ideas on the marketplace? (I will be buying the Gravity Gun tho not gonna bs I’ve bought stuff from these guys)
Don’t you just gotta love it when greedy people on Roblox sell other peoples original characters/ideas on the marketplace? (I will be buying the Gravity Gun tho not gonna bs I’ve bought stuff from these guys)
Don’t you just gotta love it when greedy people on Roblox sell other peoples original characters/ideas on the marketplace? (I will be buying the Gravity Gun tho not gonna bs I’ve bought stuff from these guys)
Don’t you just gotta love it when greedy people on Roblox sell other peoples original characters/ideas on the marketplace? (I will be buying the Gravity Gun tho not gonna bs I’ve bought stuff from these guys)

Don’t you just gotta love it when greedy people on Roblox sell other peoples original characters/ideas on the marketplace? (I will be buying the Gravity Gun tho not gonna bs I’ve bought stuff from these guys)

WELCOME TO THE COMBINE OVERWORLD... A 3 minutes long imaginary trailer for a Half Life 2 sequel where we get to go to the other side of the combine portal. You will see a "small" portion of the combine world and some more...