Dr. FloppianPilot

Dr. FloppianPilot

Joined 15 Jun 2022
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Hello everyone! I'm doing a HL1 port in Roblox and I want to see if any of you guys are interested! This is in early alpha btw. It includes:
Ported viewmodels
Aliens (Headcrab zombies, Headcrabs, vortigaunts, and more)
Ported animations
Ported scientist (Includes you, Gman.)

Hello everyone! I'm doing a HL1 port in Roblox and I want to see if any of you guys are interested! This is in early alpha btw. It includes: Ported viewmodels Aliens (Headcrab zombies, Headcrabs, vortigaunts, and more) Ported animations Ported scientist (Includes you, Gman.)
