yeah but technically isnt J.A.C.K. built from its own source code or something so technically its not hammer (maybe idk i dunno about the j.a.c.k. lore)
I also don’t know, even after checking, if it is based on the original Valve Hammer, but I think it might have been created like Hammer++ (for Source1 games)
yeah, but i think i also checked, apparently the paid version on steam does not have the tools to compule goldsrc maps (licensing issues) and i think if it was made off of hammer's code valve may not let it be released onto steam. but idk im mostly guessing here.
yeah i'm pretty sure valve wouldn't like someone selling a version of their own software on their store. and valve is a very consumer oriented company, but a very closed one too.
as a goldsrc mapper so idk if this counts, NUH-UH!!!!
ANY Hammer counts
yeah but technically isnt J.A.C.K. built from its own source code or something so technically its not hammer (maybe idk i dunno about the j.a.c.k. lore)
I also don’t know, even after checking, if it is based on the original Valve Hammer, but I think it might have been created like Hammer++ (for Source1 games)
yeah, but i think i also checked, apparently the paid version on steam does not have the tools to compule goldsrc maps (licensing issues) and i think if it was made off of hammer's code valve may not let it be released onto steam. but idk im mostly guessing here.
The source code of Goldsource isn't available even today, so, I think this might be a true here from you
yeah i'm pretty sure valve wouldn't like someone selling a version of their own software on their store. and valve is a very consumer oriented company, but a very closed one too.