
September 2, 200-

To gain more information from T143, or Tailor, we tried our best to make him feel comfortable in his current situation. We sent in Kliener once more to interrogate before he embarks to City-17. At the moment, Tailor cannot remember much of what the Combine installed into his body which makes it hard to acquire the needed data. Kliener's suggestion is that we give Tailor time to adjust into the new setting and "life" that he has. I await any further instruction from Eli Vance.

-Doctor Arne Magnusson, White Forest

September 2, 200- To gain more information from T143, or Tailor, we tried our best to make him feel comfortable in his current situation. We sent in Kliener once more to interrogate before he embarks to City-17. At the moment, Tailor cannot remember much of what the Combine installed into his body which makes it hard to acquire the needed data. Kliener's suggestion is that we give Tailor time to adjust into the new setting and "life" that he has. I await any further instruction from Eli Vance. -Doctor Arne Magnusson, White Forest

Nov 30, 2021

This is getting interesting. Very interesting...