
- Rise and shine, Mr. Shepherd... Rise and shine... The time has come... The hour has come when my employers need your talents more than ever before. You will go to a world similar to yours and at the same time so different from it. Not only the most influential personalities of the whole world will be against you, but you will also have to face indescribable nightmares... But don't worry, because your iron endurance and determination will help you not only survive, but also keep your sanity. So wake up, Mr. Shepard... Your adventures are just beginning.

- Rise and shine, Mr. Shepherd... Rise and shine... The time has come... The hour has come when my employers need your talents more than ever before. You will go to a world similar to yours and at the same time so different from it. Not only the most influential personalities of the whole world will be against you, but you will also have to face indescribable nightmares... But don't worry, because your iron endurance and determination will help you not only survive, but also keep your sanity. So wake up, Mr. Shepard... Your adventures are just beginning. G-Man

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