Hey everyone, I am going to cancel my mod in 2 weeks. However, there is a way you guys can stop this. Joining the mod team, as currently I am a lone developer. Just comment on this post to join. (Further Info On Who I Am Looking For: community.lambdageneration.com/h…)
hey, I might be willing to help (on the programming side), though I need more info about the mod and see in which state it is to make sure I'm not investing time into something that won't release.
sounds good, if you know any mappers, that would make a release very likely
I know a few mappers, but doubt they'll be interested, I'll see what I can do
yo dude
hey, sorry for the late reply. I don't check this website very often. any news?
im making maps right now, and have a fair portion of the story written out
looks good
i was texturing as you sent the message lol