
#RoboTravelsTo the freezer segment (or the meat zone) in Half-Life, because he was on a quest for that last delisouce pepperoni pizza box. 

Scientist say: “That's just preposterous! That's a lie.”. 

In theory, perhaps, BUT @robo didn't want any of that and went into the freezer to debunk this theory once and for all! 

Unfortunately, he stumbled upon some outer worldly guests along the way.

#RoboTravelsTo the freezer segment (or the meat zone) in Half-Life, because he was on a quest for that last delisouce pepperoni pizza box. Scientist say: “That's just preposterous! That's a lie.”. In theory, perhaps, BUT @robo didn't want any of that and went into the freezer to debunk this theory once and for all! Unfortunately, he stumbled upon some outer worldly guests along the way.

Combine Grunt
Combine Grunt
Aug 7, 2022

can i atleast ask Why are there soo many???

Aug 7, 2022

A fun event giveaway for the whole Ultimate Half-Life Community! Since everyone's literally doing it why not me, haha. Plus is hecking fun and funny. :D
