
Magic Nipples
Magic Nipples
Aug 17, 2022

the chapter part of the map name is just incorrect. While C and T designation is fine, Valve did not properly number the chapters with the map file names. The act is even worse as during development when they split up maps more and more (c1a0 was one map then its other half split and became c1a0d) the acts are not ordered correctly either.

Half-Life: Dark Matter

This actually still doesn't make sense, because chapters 1-4 still use c1a, I doubt the game is meant to have four chapters (c1/2/3/4) when there are 17 all named. In truth, we don't really know why the maps are named like that, logically chapter and act would make sense, but they don't for the reasons already mentioned...

Half-Life: Dark Matter

To clarify, Black Mesa Inbound would make the count 18, but I'm purely considering named chapters in-game, rather than in the titles file (which is marked c0a0 anyhow)

Aug 18, 2022

Quiver (Half-Life alpha before reboot) do have 4-5 chapters though.

Reply to kimilil
Half-Life: Dark Matter

No, the alpha has six chapters...

Reply to Half-Life: Dark Matter
Aug 19, 2022

just one off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aug 17, 2022

C is typically reserved to the day it took place in. All of the C1 maps are the maps featured in the Day One demo (sans Blast Pit, which is the end of the C1 chapters.) The "A" bit of the levels is typically reserved to the chapter number to that day, unless you're Residue Processing, then you just share the chapter number with Questionable Ethics. So, for example: Lambda Core is the 2nd chapter to the 3rd day.

Aug 17, 2022

They (mostly) successfully did the naming conventions right for Half-Life 2, completely relying on the day in which the chapters took place.

Half-Life: Dark Matter

I considered this but c3a1a is still on day two, so that also makes no sense?

Reply to Half-Life: Dark Matter
Aug 18, 2022

It doesn’t account for any changes Valve did after the groundwork was set. Thinking about and deciphering the continuity of HL is a task not quite possible as they themselves stopped caring at some point during development.

Aug 17, 2022

Good guide 👌

Aug 17, 2022

T = Training will be better i think

Aug 18, 2022

That's why I name my maps 1, 2, 3, and more :>